Top Reasons You Should Fund This Art Project
- You want to find out what the images look like coming from a 97 year old camera. Your curiosity is piqued.
- You believe in Susanna and want to support her in her endeavours.
- Presentations of The Mystery Mountain Project and this Art Project would be a great idea for your organization or community.
- The cost for film, developing, chemicals and printing for a film photography project are quite high. Being a generous patron, you ensure projects like this can be realized.
- This is a unique and interesting project that you want to be part of.
What's involved in making this Art Project
Film photography has been around for some time, yet digital seems to have taken over. However, it is still possible to use traditional photographic processes. Since the Mystery Mountain Project is all about bringing history to life, this art project captures the story of the expedition and tells it using the same historic photographic processes.
For this art project the Kodak No. 2 Autographic camera uses 120 medium format film which gives only 8 shots per roll. Without any instant view or delete feature each exposure must be carefully thought out. With the cost of each roll running approximately $10 -$15 the costs will add up.
Developing Chemicals
Black and white film is simple enough to develop and all that is required is developing chemicals and the developing tank. Developer, fixer, stop bath, and clearing agents are all needed to develop the negative. A basic kit can run upwards $200.
Printing Process
The larger negative allows for direct printing without the need for a darkroom and enlarger. Negatives are scanned to be enlarged for the contact print. The platinum-palladium process is a process like they used to use over a century ago. Photo sensitive chemicals are applied to the paper and exposed to light. The chemicals are costly, well over $300. That does not include the cost of paper, brushes and other supplies. Working with a master-printer in studio creating the unique hand-made prints will run between $3,000-$5,000.
Framing and Mounting
Once the artwork has been printed it is ready for mounting and framing. Depending on the number of pieces, and framing choices this cost can run well over $3000.
The grand total estimated for production of this project is at least $8,700.
Learn more about the photo project here
Funding Levels
Here is your chance to be part of this unique project
Your support in bringing my photo project to life is greatly appreciated.
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